Freitag, 17. Dezember 2010

What I think about the amican Dream!

I think the american dream is a good thing. For the believers the american dream can move mountains. It can be the engine for motivated work. With this dream for the eyes, you can work harder and hope every day, that someday the dream come true.

In my opinion the american dream is not only a dream in and from american. I think in a lot of other countries like germany have the people the same dream. It is a dream of success, a dream of a better life.

The Questions is, can we live the american dream? Yes we can (no I stole this phrase not from Obama :)) The American Dream is a view, that every person can learn and use. It is not a magical or spirutual thing. Its hard and concentrated work. Not more and not less.

I understand behind the american dream a lot more than economical success, like a good paid job. For me can be the american dream also happy people, which are happy because they love their friends or are in passion in their hobbies. The american dream is for me satisfaction in life!

Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010

A little bit about the ideological beginnings

From Europe came a lot of settlers to America. That was in the 17th century. The reasons for this step were diffrent. A few of them came because of economic, other because of ideological reasons. Christopher Columbus already discovered America in 1492. From this time, european settlers flowed in the new country an continent. At that time the ideology was minted by pilgrims. Their values were hard work and adherence to Biblical law. They exerted their influence.

Further ideological influences came from the declaration of independence in 1776 or the revoulutionary war against the British. At the end, the USA have a manifest destiny.

Mittwoch, 15. Dezember 2010

New and last topic !

Our recent topic in english in school are issues, which confronting the USA. That are for example the ideological beginnings, the civil war, the world war II, the superpower USA and the 21st century. All these issues describes america for us germans a little bit more.

For this reason I will describe a few topics in detail. I hope, you learn a little bit over america.

But why America? Good question, in the school we speak often about the USA. Not only in the english class, in the history or german class too. The USA is a big land and a superpower. They are one of the world leader in everything, so the land is very important. Because of this, you must inform about the USA.

Let's begin ....

Sonntag, 6. Juni 2010

Stem Cells – A dreadful business

In my last english lesson, we read a text about trading baby body parts and cells. These business is to be boom in the Ukraine. The method is easy: Boodled doctors says to there patients, that their babies were stillborn. But the dreadful truth is: The babies are butchered for their body parts.

But is there a need? Sadly, apparently yes ...

Clinics injects patients with the stem cells. The reason: The stem cells should help, that these people look younger. But there is no scientific proof for this method!

For a lot of people it doesn't matter. Thereby, trading with stem cells remains a lucrative business.

Montag, 12. April 2010

What is a minority group?

Wikipedia define a minority as a "sociological group that does not constitute a politically dominant voting majority of the total population of a given society." There are a lot of minority groups, for example "economic minorities", "age minorities" or sexual minorities.

Economic minorities
The term: economic minorities describes a social group which has a lot of working poor or unemployed people.

Age minorities
The age minority contain a group of people with the same age. That could be old people or young people like children.

Sexual minorities
To this group counts lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.


My current big topic in school is: Social classes and minorities. I think in our global world is this a very important subject. In all countries are minorities and social classes. Moreover minorities are often in a other social class, most lower, than the most of the other habitants of a country. This is a big problem and tends to result in unemployment and crime.

This shows us, that immigration is a big and necessary part in our society. I am going to write a few articles about the subject and hope you enjoy them.

Sonntag, 7. Februar 2010

The problems of deforestation

Since a unacceptable time, people destroys our forests. This is a big problem, because the forest, particularly the tropical rainforest, absorb carbon dioxide. No forest, no absorption and this means on the other hand global warming. Not only the global warming is a problem, that is caused thru deforestation, but also the destruction of the animal habitats is terrible.

A cause for the deforestation is the demand for fuels, for example the West's demand for biofuel. The farmer cuts down forests and build there crops such as maize/corn and palms, which are principal constituents of biofuel.

Montag, 1. Februar 2010


Fail is popular word in my german class. It sounds a lot better than the german word "versagen". I failed in my english subject. Last july I told you about my "2" grade in english, now a half year later I will get only 8 points, that means a "3". This downgrade is very terrible.

But in fairness I must say, that I haven't do anything for a better grade. My last post was in october, now we have january. And I must change that.

In a few day I will write a vocabulary test (in the last test I got only 6 points from 15). So I will learn more and write often here in this blog.

The topic is currently "Save the Planet!"